Terms of Service

Long2Learn is a division of Long Educational Consulting, LLC.

The Terms of Service outlines our policies and procedures for course signup, participation and completion.

Assessment Procedures for Participants

All Continuing Education Units (CEU), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and Professional Enrichment Courses are graded on a pass/fail basis. Participants are required to complete all assignments, projects, and collaborative group work to obtain credit(s) and Certificate of Completion for the course. All course completions are recorded on the Long2Learn Course Completion Form (CCF) within ONE WEEK after the course term has ended. A Long2Learn Certificate of Completion will be issued for CEU and CPD course completions within (30) days.


CPD and/or CEU credits are awarded based on hours of the course. Most of the online courses are taught asynchronously (fewer than 80% or more of the total hours at the students’ pace within a specified range of days and times). All assignments, discussion groups, and assessments must be completed within the timeframe allotted weekly for courses. Each participant is expected to arrive on time for all synchronous (live and real time) course sessions. Completion of all assignments within the time specified on the course syllabus, is mandatory. Students are also required to attend all classes to receive the CPD or CEU credits and certificate.

Course participants are not permitted to miss any classes for a one-credit/unit or two-credit/unit course, or more than one class for a three-credit/unit course and still be eligible for credit. In the event of an extenuating circumstance, the participant should contact the course instructor and provide documentation of the extenuating circumstance. During synchronous learning, children are not permitted to attend classes. Please plan for childcare prior to the start of class. This will ensure that all participants attend and participate in class without interruption.

Eligibility to Participate in Long2Learn Courses

Faith-based Private School employees, Home School Teachers, Charter School, and Public-School employees are eligible to participate in Long2Learn credit-bearing and non-credit bearing courses. Non-educator employees are not eligible to receive Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit-bearing courses.

Online Courses

All enrichment, professional growth, CPD and CEU credit-bearing courses will take place in a Virtual (Online) format. Course instructors will provide further details of synchronous and asynchronous learning in their course syllabus. All enrichment and professional growth non-credit bearing courses will be asynchronous.

Course Cancellation, Limitations, and Postponement Policy

Long2Learn (L2L) reserves the right to cancel any course offering when there is insufficient enrollment or at the discretion of the CEO. When course participants have paid for a course that is canceled, the participant may receive a full refund or be given an opportunity to enroll in a different course. Long2Learn also reserves the right to postpone synchronous classes, limit the number of participants who may register for a course. Participants will be notified before the class begins through the L2L communication platform.

Course Evaluation

Within two weeks of the conclusion of each course, participants MAY be asked to volunteer to complete a Course Evaluation Form/Survey that will be electronically sent. This will enable Long2Learn to improve the quality of course content and adjust or revise online teaching practices. Participants are not required to identify themselves and may respond anonymously.

Course Schedules

Long2Learn (L2L) makes professional development opportunities available during the Spring (February-April), Summer (June-August) and Fall (September-November) months. Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Education Unit courses may be offered Mondays through Fridays online at 6 p.m. or at alternate times. Dates, days, and times for courses are located in the Professional Teaching and Learning Information Course Guide, instructors’ course syllabus, and on the Long2Learn marketing website.

Dropping /Withdrawing from a Course

If unforeseen circumstances prevent a participant from taking the course, he/she should notify the instructor immediately to drop the course. No refund is given after the first class.

Duplicate Professional Development Certificates

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Certificates are provided digitally to participants within 2 weeks upon course completion. Duplicate copies of certificates may be obtained for a fee of $15. A request should be made via the Certificate Request Form. Payments must be received and processed prior to receiving L2L Continuing Professional Development Certificate.

Emergency/Cancellation of Class

If a synchronous class must be canceled due to an emergency, participants will be notified before the class begins through the L2L communication platform. The instructor is responsible for providing make-up materials and resources.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Hours & Credits

The number of CEU & CPD credits assigned to courses are determined by the number of hours interacting and engaging with course assignments led by the instructor.

Hours, Units, and Credits

6 hours= 1 CEU15 hours of engagement = 1 CPD credit
12 hours of activity = 2 CEUs30 hours of engagement = 2 CPD credits
18 hours of activity = 3 CEUs45 hours of engagement = 3 CPD credits

Certification or Professional Status

Upon successful completion the participant may present their certificate or letter of completion to their school’s Principal or school district’s Human Resource Office for further information regarding certification, professional status, or salary changes.

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Courses

The Long2Learn Professional Development Program, grants Continuing Education Units (CEU) to ACSI approved courses that meet the requirement of 6-18 hours of direct instruction. Homework, reading assignments, and writing projects are a part of each course; however, completion of these activities is in addition to the hours of direct instruction. Participants must attend all scheduled courses to receive CEUs. No CEUs will be granted before completion of the program.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credit Courses (Maryland)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) experiences may provide opportunities for Maryland educators to earn credits necessary for obtaining and/or renewal of Maryland State Department of Education certification. Check with your state or school district to verify use of CPD courses toward certification and or renewal.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses Eligible for Certificate Renewal

The Long2Learn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program courses have been approved by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and have a MSDE course number such as (16-00-00) that hold CPD credit and can be used toward renewal of the teaching certificate.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded to those who successfully complete non-credit courses designed to improve the knowledge, skills, and instructional practices within the classroom. Long Educational Consulting, LLC is approved by the Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI) to be a CEU Course Provider to faith-based schools and educators seeking accreditation and/or certification renewal. All offered courses are created with the educator in mind to build teacher capacity and efficacy in the areas of professional growth.

Inclement Weather Policy

Face-to-Face professional learning opportunities are canceled when schools are closed or evening activities are canceled and/or when weather related events are harmful to the safety of participants. All affected participants are to check the Long2Learn Dashboard for weather related or other pertinent announcements and updates.

Incomplete Policy

Participants in CEU and/or CPD courses are expected to complete all course work by timeline established by the instructor and/or the last scheduled class meeting. An “incomplete” is assigned by the instructor for rare or extraordinary situations that have been reviewed and approved by the CEO. In such cases, permission must be obtained in writing prior to the conclusion of the course and all assignments/projects must be received no later than four days after the course has ended if credit or units are to be awarded.

Professional Development Course Certificate

The Long2Learn Professional Development Course Certificate is the documentation needed by participants showing evidence of course completion and the units and credits earned toward teacher certification, renewal, and ongoing professional growth and development.
Professional Development Reports take approximately 2 weeks to be processed, after grades and final rosters are submitted by the course instructor to Long2Learn Coordinator. Once the coordinator has processed and completed the certificate, it will be digitally sent to the participant’s registered in the course. No information will be sent directly to the participants’ school or Human Resource Office by Long2Learn or Long Educational Consulting, LLC. It is the responsibility of each participant to provide course completion and certificate documentation to their school’s administration or Human Resource Office, accreditation organization, and/or state’s Department of Education.


Courses requiring the purchase of a textbook prior to the start of a course are indicated in the course syllabus.

Unsuccessful Completion of CEU or CPD Courses

If all course requirements are not met and/or a participant does not pass a course, unit(s) nor credit(s) will be issued. To receive units/credits, the participant who did not pass the course, must re-register, re-pay the appropriate course fee, and successfully complete the course.

Virtual (Online) CEU, CPD, and Enrichment Courses

Most CEU and CPD courses held, will take place in a Virtual (Online) format (unless otherwise specified), on the Long2Learn platform or course syllabus. For synchronous class sessions, dates and times will be provided by the instructor, as well as listed in the course syllabus. Asynchronous assignments (Homework, projects, collaboration boards, reports, and reviews) and due dates will have specific timelines for submission. Dates listed under each course are Virtual meeting dates. Instructors will provide their Virtual Office dates and times for question-and-answer sessions. If assistance is needed pertaining to any assignment or if an emergency arises, the instructor will provide contact information as needed during the first class.

Course Registration Process

Free and paid courses must be enrolled for by following the prompts after selecting to enroll in the desired course. Paid courses will follow a checkout process via Surecart.

For free courses, account signup will be required.

Payment Process

Payment for courses must be made at the time of the course enrollment. Participants will be prompted to follow a checkout process that provides them with various payment options. Payment of the course, will automatically enroll them into the course and provide access to course content.

Refund Policy

No refunds will be granted after the first asynchronous and/or synchronous session has been held online. To request a refund prior to the first online class, individuals should email slong@longeduconllc.com or longeducon.llc@gmail.com and cite the reason for requesting a refund. If the request comes after enrolling in the course, participants will receive a 75% refund. If an unforeseen emergency (i.e., death in the family, illness, etc.) warrants a refund, participants may receive up to 50% refund. Long2Learn holds the right to retain 50% of the course fees to accommodate for the loss of a prospective student and loss of time while processing course transactions.

Fees/Tuition for CPD and CEU Credit-Bearing Courses

CEU and CPD credit-bearing courses are financed by the individual participants. Each registrant is also responsible for paying processing fees. Long2Learn does not offer course waivers. Our low-cost fees provide on-going ACSI and Maryland approved professional development opportunities without the higher cost of college/university tuition. PayPal Fees are in addition to the course fees and noted with the course description in the Professional Teaching and Learning Information Course Guide. The current cost for CPD and CEU credit-bearing courses are listed below. See the Courses Certification/Non-Certification Renewal Chart.

1 CPD Credits: $752 CPD Credits: $1853 Credits: $225
1 CEU: $502 CEU: $1003 CEU=$150

Non-credit bearing enrichment and professional growth course cost:

$50 (Asynchronous 2 weeks)

$75 (3 Asynchronous 3 weeks)